From FYSA – Pursuant to FYSA Rule 401.6, the FYSA Board of Directors determined that tryouts for the 2024-2025 season can be held no earlier than the first Monday in May, 2024.
Additionally, please be aware any pre-tryout activity advertisement should include the following verbiage: “Current FYSA carded players outside of ‘Name of Affiliate’ are not eligible to tryout until the first Monday in May. Furthermore, ‘Non-FYSA sanctioned’ ID/ Assessments will not be covered under any of the FYSA insurance policies.”
Tryout Rule:
Organizations affiliated with FYSA may hold any try-out, player identification, or player assessment activity, related to the formation of teams for the next seasonal year involving players IN ALL AGE GROUPS on or after the date set by the BOD. The statewide try-out date shall be set by the BOD no later than March 1 of the current year. The statewide try-out date shall be no earlier than the first Monday in May, nor later than the Tuesday following Memorial Day.
Based on the date set by the FYSA BOD, each of the 4 regions will meet and decide if that date works for their affiliates, or if they wish to set a different date that will supersede the statewide date and apply to all affiliates in their Region. No Region may set the try-out date outside the dates mentioned above. Regardless of the date chosen, the following guidelines are to be met:
- Tryouts, player identification or player assessment are publicly advertised and open to all age-appropriate players.
- The name of the club/affiliate must be clearly stated, as well as its business address, and telephone number.
- No language can be incorporated which would deny the right or ability of any youth soccer player of the correct age to participate; or which would restrict eligibility for the team to any arbitrary prerequisites such as particular school, church, housing, subdivision, etc., nor can the advertisement serve in any way, directly or indirectly, to coerce or threaten players to try out for a particular member affiliate’s team versus another.
- Players remain bound to their existing club for the current seasonal year pursuant to provisions contained in Rule 207.6.
- The poaching rule remains in effect. Contact outside of the context of tryouts and follow-ups to tryouts could be deemed poaching.
- Violations will result in the Club’s affiliation with FYSA being reviewed, and re-affiliation may be denied by the BOD.