GCF understands there will be schedule conflicts. Entering blackout dates upon registration helps to reduce reschedules. Borrowing players from other club teams and using substitute Coaches should be a first step before requesting a reschedule.
When you are not able to resolve a schedule conflict please follow the proper reschedule procedures. When a solution cannot be reacched a forfeit may be requested.

GotSport Chat

GotSport Chat is a valuable tool but POCs can also contact clubs directly. It is REQUIRED that all POCs be added to each team in GotSport to guarantee they receive Chat entries. All Coaches and Team Managers are notified by email when a message is posted.

GotSport Game Change Requests

Once a new date is agreed upon, the team requesting the change submits a Game Change Request. Be sure to fill the new date, location and time as well as a note as to the reason for the request.See the bottom of the page for penalty fees.


A team may apply for a forfeit when an opponent cancels a game or cannot reschedule.

Reschedule Procedure

This procedure should take place at least 2 weeks before the scheduled game. Teams should review the entire schedule once it is released and make needed changes promptly.

All requests must be submitted by Wednesday, 12pm (noon) prior to the original fixture.

  1. Contact your opponent to let them know you are not able to play the game as scheduled. Do this either through GotSport Team Chat or through your POCs, who have all club contacts. (With a game change request an email is not sent, a GotSport notification is, which is often missed.)

  2. Promptly message back and forth until a new date and time are agreed.

  3. Submit a GotSport Game Change Request (see below).

  4. The opponent then must click to Approve the request in GotSport.

  5. GCF approves the change and the schedule is automatically updated.

GotSport Team Chat

Starting a Chat as a Coach or Manager

  1. From the coach/manager dashboard, click on Team Management.

  2. Click Matches.

  3. Use the filters at the top to narrow down matches as needed.

  4. Locate the match and click on the Chat Bubble on the right side. The bubble will be gray if there are no previous messages. The bubble will be green if there is a message from the opposing coach or manager.

  5. A popup will appear with the match information. This includes the event and division, the home and away teams, the venue, and the date of the match. At the bottom of the popup, click New Message.

  6. A text section will appear. Type your message and click Save. This will send a notification to the other coaches and managers.
    NOTE: When requesting to reschedule a game, it is best practice to include 3 dates that your team is available as options.

GotSport Game Change Request

This is to be done after both teams have communicated and chosen a new date. The purpose is to have the game updated on the master schedule. The team requesting the change should submit the form (but either team may). Be sure to enter the reason for the change.

Submitting a Game Change Request

  1. From the coach/manager dashboard, click on Team Management.

  2. Click Matches.

  3. Use the filters at the top to narrow down matches as needed.

  4. Locate the match and click on the three dots to the right and then choose Request Change.

  5. Enter the new date, time and field. 

  6. In the Note field, enter the reason for the request (ex. attending a tournament, coach conflict, etc.) and any helpful information. This is a note to GCF, not your opponent.

  7. Click Save.

  8. The requesting coach/manager will then see the change status as a Pending Request.

  9. Once the request has been submitted, the receiving team will then see the pending request on their list of matches and have the option to respond by clicking on Respond.

  10. When agreed upon, the request will be sent to GCF for final approval. Once approved the match will reflect accordingly on both teams' matches list and show a status of Request Approved.

After the initial schedule grace period, a $25 (+processing) fee is charged for each reschedule that is not due to weather conditions. 

Editing a Game Change Request

If you need to change the requested date or time you can edit the submitted form.

  1. Return to the Matches list. Use filters as needed.

  2. Locate the match showing Pending Request and click Edit.

  3. Make the needed change(s). 

  4. Click Save.

When You Receive a Game Change Request

It is very important that Game Change Requests be responded to in a timely manner, we request 48 hours. 

After your opponent submits the request, you will receive a GotSport notification (the message envelope at the top right will show a new message) and see the Pending label on the match. Note - an email is not sent. Please Agree or Refuse the request. 

Once both teams show as Agreed, GCF will approve the change and it will reflect on the Master Schedule.

To Respond to a Pending Request:

  1. From the coach/manager dashboard, click on Team Management.

  2. Click Matches.

  3. Use the filters at the top to narrow down matches as needed.

  4. Locate the match showing Pending Request and click Respond. Choose Agreed or Refused.

  5. Click Save.


Requesting a Forfeit. While all effort should be made to play scheduled games, there are circumstances where a forfeit is the only option. To forfeit a game or request a forfeit be awarded submit the Forfeit Request Form to

Forfeiting a Game. If you chose to forfeit a game, contact your opponent within ample time for them to cancel the match and referees. Submit the Forfeit Request Form to

Referee Fees. If Referee Fees were paid by your opponent, you will be required to reimburse them. GCF can help facilitate this if needed.

Penalty Fee. A $200 Forfeit Fees may be invoiced depending on circumstances, along with a Late Cancellation fee.

Penalty Fees

After the open schedule grace period a non-weather-related game change request incurs a penalty fee. Penalty fees go to player scholarships.
Opponent Agrees to Reschedule


Reschedule Request
Request Reschedule 10 or more days from original match date.


Late Reschedule Request
Request Reschedule less than 10 days out.


Late Reschedule Request
covering Ref Fees
Request Reschedule on Wednesday or later before match: must cover any Referee Fees that were not able to be canceled. (Does not include field fees.)


Late Cancellation
48 hour or less cancellation without a valid excuse (as determined by the league).


No Call/No Show
No Call/No Show to game. Opponent's Referee Fees will be paid from penalty fee.